Empowering Women

Wei Taohua
The year 2006 proved to be an exceptional milestone for Wei Taohua. In June, the Horsetail embroidery she passionately practiced was honored as one of the inaugural national intangible cultural heritages. Merely two months later, Wei’s remarkable embroidery skills earned her the prestigious title of “Guizhou Famous Craftsperson.” In a short span of time, she further ascended to the national level representative inheritor of this cherished craft.
Wei Taohua making Horsetail embroidery with fellow craftspersons
In tandem with Wei Taohua’s achievements, the tourism market in Guizhou experienced a remarkable upswing during that very year. As per the Guizhou Statistical Yearbook, between 1996 and 2006, the influx of tourists into the province witnessed an impressive annal growth rate of 50.32%. This in turn brought about a flourishing business environment, Which not only invigorated the local shops but also prompted Wei’s eldest son, who had been working elsewhere, to return and lend his support to the family endeavor.
Horsetail embroidery training sessions for local women
With the 10,000 yuan bonus of the “Guizhou Famous Craftsperson,” Wei Taohua took a momentous step by organizing a large-scale training session for Shui women——A gathering of 80 participants embarked on a journey of learning the craft under Wei’s guidance. Furthermore, Wei’s vision extended beyond local borders as she traveled to Italy, France, Spain, and Australia, venturing to introduce Horsetail embroidery to the world. Reflecting on her experience in Milan’s expansive square, Wei marveled at the exquisite horses with their lustrous, glossy tails. “They are truly exceptional; we should incorporate them into our embroidery process.” she exclaimed.
Wei Taohua’s legacy in Horsetail embroidery extended to her four daughters-in-law, the successors of her invaluable skills. They rallied women from neighboring villages and towns and ignite a collective production effort. Over the years, more than 10,000 individuals, including thousands of rural women hailing from impoverished families, have learned the craft under the guidance of the Wei family. Beyond mastering the craft, these women wer also empowered economically. Previously, family assets were predominantly controlled by males, but now, empowered with literacy and financial knowledge, women opened bank accounts and cultivated personal savings, asserting their newfound financial independence.

A training session in 2019, co-organized by local Party organization, Horsetail embroidery Association and Wei family
In 2019, Sandu County boasted more than 20 enterprises dedicated to Horsetail embroidery, generating an impressive annual output value exceeding 38 million yuan. These enterprises played a pivotal role in addressing the employment challenges faced by over 3,000 local women. Recognizing the importance of Horsetail embroidery, the local government implemented a range of supportive policies. Notably, a collaborative system was established between local Party organizations and the Horsetail embroidery association, fostering an environment conducive to scaling up production. Through their immersion in the craft, economically disadvantaged women underwent a remarkable mindset shift, embracing the notion of economic independence and challenging the long-standing tradition of male-dominated control over family assets. As a result, local women have emerged as a dynamic force driving regional economic development, marking a transformative milestone in their pursuit of financial autonomy.
Workshop of the Horsetail embroidery Association
Base of the “Talented Moms” project
In August 2022, an impactful public welfare project called “Talented Moms” was launched by Wei Taohua’s company in collaboration with China Telecom and China Women’s Development Foundation. As a talented mom herself, Wei Taohua passionately dedicated herself to poverty alleviation and the preservation of Horsetail embroidery. Her remarkable journey from a hardworking woman to a revered craftsperson and successful entrepreneur has been widely acknowledged. Pan Yao, director of the Sandu County Intangible Cultural Heritage Center and a long-time acquaintance of Wei Taohua, commended her transformative achievements, noting the adaptability of both Horsetail embroidery and Wei Taohua’s efforts to the demands of the new era. Traditionally, Horsetail embroidery was produced for self-sufficiency, but it was Wei Taohua’s generation that introduced the innovative model of family workshops, effectively commercializing the craft and contributing to its revitalization.
Trade fair of Horsetail embroidery products being streamed live
The “Talented Moms” project has emerged as a significant catalyst for the advancement of Horsetail embroidery. It has successfully established 13 workshops, 2 intangible cultural heritage exhibition centers, and an embroidery product hub across 9 provinces, engaging over 5,000 women from low-income backgrounds in home-based employment. Through this project, these women receive valuable skills training, capital investment, and access to innovative product designs, enabling them to enhance their living conditions. By extending the reach of Wei Taohua’s workshop, the project effectively supports impoverished women in overcoming their family difficulties. Additionally, the project harnesses the power of the internet to advocate for the craft and highlight the resilience of local women. Collaborating with various e-commerce platforms, it provides diverse sales channels and convenient payment methods for Wei Taohua’s business, enhancing the brand presence of Horsetail embroidery and expanding its market potential.

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